Thursday, September 30, 2010

NGO launches, claiming nothing political

Hasyim Widhiarto, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Thu, 09/30/2010 8:21 PM | National
A pro-democracy NGO launched Thursday a website called, aiming at collecting participation from the public to watch the implementation of ethics and integrity in the government’s public policies.

Todung Mulya Lubis, senior lawyer and co-founder of the Alliance for Democracy Education (P2D), said the NGO had taken Mulyani as their campaign icon because the former finance minister had given a lesson to the country on how a public official must uphold their integrity despite intricate political tension.

Commenting on question whether the site had been established to promote Mulyani as the upcoming presidential candidate, Todung said the NGO definitely had no “hidden agenda.”

“We took her [Mulyani] as our icon purely due to her respectable track record,” he said, adding that Mulyani was not personally involved in the website.

The site, run by a dozen of editorial board members, including University of Indonesia (UI) psychologist Bagus Takwin, UI philosophy lecturer Rocky Gerung and former Indonesian Legal
Institute Foundation public lawyer Robertus Robet, will provide readers with articles and online discussion on various issues on public policy and public ethic.

Mulyani’s resignation from his post in May was reportedly under political pressure over a controversial Bank Century bail out case. She is now one of the World Bank's managing directors.

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