Monday, December 13, 2010

Yogya governor to be elected by local council : Minister

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Mon, 12/13/2010 8:44 PM | Headlines

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Home Affairs Minister Gamawan Fauzi says the central government proposes in its draft bill on the special status of Yogyakarta that the province’s legislative council would elect the governor.
“The election would be through the DPRD [the regional legislative council], not a direct election as in other gubernatorial elections,” he said Monday in Jakarta.
The appointment of Yogyakarta’s governor turned into a hot issue after the government decided to hold a democratic election to choose the governor, a position traditionally awarded to the Sultan.
If the Sultan were the only gubernatorial candidate, the council could appoint him directly, Gamawan added.
“This is simply shifting the authority from the central government in Jakarta to the region,” he said.
The government would suggest this method of election to the House of Representatives for further deliberation, he added. (gzl)

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